
Author Guideline​

Manuscripts must be submitted in English. Authors should confirm the English language quality of their texts by using UK English spelling or alternatively request thorough linguist editing prior to peer-review. Manuscripts written in poor English are a subject of rejection prior to peer-review. Lines should be double-spaced and separate paragraphs with a blank line.

Submissions can be in ‘doc’, ‘docx’ or ‘rtf’ format, preferably as a single file attached to one covering email. The order of sections in the manuscript should be: cover page, main text, references, and short biography of each author, tables and figures (including photographs). All pages should be numbered consecutively.

Cover page

This should contain the institutions and full mailing addresses of all authors and the email address of the corresponding author.


A succinct description of the work, in less than 20 words.


(Full papers only). This should describe, in less than 250 words, the aims, methods, major findings and conclusions. The abstract should be informative and intelligible without reference to the text, and should not contain any references or undefined abbreviations.


Up to eight pertinent words, in alphabetical order.

Main text

This should comprise the following sections in order: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Acknowledgements. Subsections may be included in the Methods, Results and Discussion sections if necessary.Conclusions and recommendations should be included in the Discussion. Introduction – state the purpose, give only strictly relevant references and do not review the subject broadly. Methods – methods should be concise but allow confirmation of observations and replication of the study. The study area may be described under a separate heading before Methods. Results – present your results in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. Do not repeat in the text all data in the tables and figures; summaries only important observations. Discussion – summaries the main findings without repeating in detail the data presented in Results. Relate your observations to other relevant studies; point out the implications of the results and their limitations and place them in the context of other work.


Acknowledge only people who have substantially contributed to the study and sources of financial support.


All references cited in the text must be listed in the reference section, and vice versa. Following American Psychological Association (APA) style. For the APA style, refer to https://apastyle.apa.org.

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