Research Articles

Effect of different rates of cassava leaves hay on growth performance and fecal parasitic eggs in gastrointestinal cattle

Sophany MORM1*, Sansophorn KONG2, Sophea IV3 
1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing, National University of Battambang, Cambodia; 
2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia; 
3 Animal health and Production Office, Battambang Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia.
*Corresponding author: Email:


The people at rural areas are popular for animal husbandry but their farming matches with technical shortage constraints. Anyways, parasite sides were challenges on livestock production. The study aims to examine the effects of cassava leave hay (CLH) to decline parasite egg counts in cattle ruminants. Twenty-seven local cattle were selected with average initial body weight between 149.78 ± 0.40 kg or 150.17 ± 1.59 kg with regardless sexual, ranking age 67 months, P>0.05, respectively. The trials were divided into triple groups: “Treatment 0” providing fresh grass and rice straw (FG-R), “Treatment 1” (FG-R) and cassava leaves hay (CLH) 0.5% compared to body weight and “Treatment 2” (FG-R) and cassava leaves hay (CLH) 1% compared to body weight. During the test period in sixth weeks: Treatment 0 was equal to 1,155.75 eggs, an increased 4.15%. Treatment 1was equal to 902.89 eggs, declined 13.92% and Treatment 2 was equal to 781.10 eggs, declined 22.53%, P=0.001<0.05, respectively. CLH was correlated with the number of parasite egg counts. It may conclude that CLH 1% has the potential to improve body weight gain and minimize feed intake with an apparent negative impact on gastro-intestinal tract in local cattle.

Keywords: Cassava hay, condensed tannin, fecal parasitic eggs, gastro-intestinal tract, Indu brasil-Hariana.

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